Previous part:

On March 6th, the ASB Senate shared the results of the Winter Executive Forum with our Executive Leadership Team. This is the second part of the results article number one following; Senate Survey Results- Food, Tutoring, and Jobs On Campus. Read the first part here!

Financial Aid & Financial Support

FAFSA was also mentioned in the meeting. There has been a delay with financial aid because the Federal Government is late in releasing the new updated FAFSA, so no one at SPSCC has control of this., then aAfter the information gets released, the Financial Advisors will need time after this to process the information. So, expect differing hours for financial advisors during Spring Quarter. They just ask that students be patient and understanding. 

To help with finances, students suggest Spring and Summer foundation scholarships, grants, etc. It was acknowledged that it was hard to get a lot of financial aid availability for Summer due to a lower enrollment rate during Summer Quarter. 

Student Resources

Educational Planners and Advisors are seen as understaffed, and it can be hard to get an appointment especially during registration. Running Start students are getting told different things from High School counselors and from College Advisors, so they need to talk to each other more. I agree with this completely as I personally have the two tell me different things.  Members of the Executive Team said that they were working on hiring another Ed Planner. 

As for the mental health counselors, the walk-in hours are during many students’ class times and it’s hard to schedule an appointment with the counselors. To help alleviate the workload and more availability, there will be a new mental health counselor in training by Spring and should be seeing students’ full time! Regarding this, suggestions were made to hire assistants to help with basic communications, since this has proved challenging since counselors have a heavy workload and so do the students. 


76% of students were able to access student resources

14% of students had no need for student resources

10% of student were unable to access student resources

(out of 397 responses). 

A recurring theme seen from the survey was that students struggle with balancing “multidimensional lives.” Most commonly, financial restrictions and having comfortable and designated study spaces. Various study areas can be found on campus from Building 27 to Building 21 but many students report having a hard time trying to balance school, jobs, home life and more. 

Belonging at SPSCC is what the college strives for. For everyone to have a sense of community and belonging while they are here. The survey results showed that most students felt they were respected by staff and faculty. Obviously, there is still room for improvement. If you or anyone you know is having trouble with another student, faculty, or staff member visit this web page:


This gives you access to the platforms where you can make a report to security. Please do not be afraid to make a report, you deserve to be safe and comfortable here. Reports can be made anonymously and there are different kinds of reports you can make, if your report does not fit into the categories and isn’t an emergency just submit a non-emergency report. 

I highly suggest that you save the SPSCC Security’s phone number as a contact in case you need to reach them, it is quicker to go to a contact than trying to find their number: (360)-596-5299. I have the number saved in my phone as well. I don’t know much about the process after you send a report as I have not personally had to report anything. My friends and coworkers have told me that they have had good experiences with getting help. Also, if students participated in the survey and said that they have had issues with others at SPSCC, the student should have been contacted if there was any further advocacy needed on the student’s behalf. 

Students have also shared their desire for more in person and hybrid classes, as it helps with community and belonging and specifically a student in the survey mentioned that online classes “foster apathy.” and since there are a lot of Running Start Students, older students have a hard time finding groups they can relate to. It was acknowledged that there was always room for improvement  and for the most part SPSCC is on the right track. 

Lastly the Student Senate’s priorities for the future are: 

  • To publicize events, clubs, and campus activities.
  • To extend collaboration  between CAB, Senate, Sounds News, and the Social Media Team.
  • Promote unity between students and non-faculty staff (great way to do this is to work at SPSCC or volunteer to help with any activities) 
  • Gather more information from Spring Quarter Survey about events students would like to participate in and other ways the Senate is able to support Students in the upcoming academic year. 
  • Continuing to bridge the gap between administration and students

I strongly encourage all students to take the Spring Senate Survey which will close on May 13th so the Student Senate can amplify your voices and improve SPSCC for the better! There is always a meeting after the Surveys with Administration to discuss the results. I even heard from them during this meeting that this affects their decisions, and it helps them know what students need at SPSCC!