Kyra Sung is the Senator of Legislative Affairs. Born and raised in Washington State, they went to River Ridge High School then found their way to SPSCC through the Running Start Program and have been here for four academic years!

Kyra Sung, Senator of Legislative Affairs (Fall 2023-Spring 2024)

Kyra is currently in the cultural studies and government profit nonprofit pathway at SPSCC, and hopes to transfer to a four year college to major in global/international studies. They are also interested in continued education in Korean or Spanish, so they can work in international development to help countries that are struggling with keeping stable governments as Kyra’s passion is to help, give resources, and advocate for others.

Having been at SPSCC for so long, and having the experience of being a treasurer for their high school as well as  having started up several clubs, being the Senator of Legislative Affairs for an on-campus job made perfect sense. Kyra has been focusing on student advocacy during their time as Senator, by networking, outreach and connecting with other colleges and universities, seeing what works for them in their own student governments, as well as making many connections with different organizations to support students. 

“You’re allowed and expected to invent who you are.” (Rose from Steven Universe)

Kyra would describe themself as opportunistic, dynamic, and self-cautious. I was so fortunate to get to know them throughout this school year, as they are so passionate and will never let any of their interests die.