Every day can be a holiday if you have something to celebrate and this previous Monday clippers here at South Puget Sound community college (SPSCC) celebrated national chocolate chip day. People celebrated by grabbing a pick-up kit at the student union building (SUB) and by going to the social hangout. These pick-up kits had a variety of wonderful chocolate chip snacks such as chips ahoy and many other chocolate cookie brands. These were handed out in colorful bags which brought joy to student’s faces! 

Chocolate bag from the SUB!

Additionally, the social gathering hosted in the SUB had many varieties of cookies and chocolate chips so students could hang out and snack on their favorite comfort chocolate foods. We hope that this celebration brought some relaxation and fun into this May as the quarter progresses here at SPSCC. Check out the SPSCC events calendar at the SPSCC website or our calendar here at the Sounds Newspaper to find more exciting events being hosted!